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Energy Wand

New Technology!-Zero Point Energy Wand(nano wand)--The Best Selling Zero Point Wand-A Powerful Tool for Supporting Your Health and Well-Being...******IMPORTANT!Custo…

zero point energy wand

New Technology!
- Zero Point Energy Wand(nano wand) -
- The #1 Best Selling Zero Point Wand -
A Powerful Tool for Supporting
Your Health and Well-Being...
* * * * * *
Customers who are confused question us daily regarding
all the various "wands" now available on the internet. We will
offer only this brief yet clear warning: There is deceptive and
manipulative advertising all over the internet. You can purchase
very inexpensive wands at other sites. However, you do not know
how effective the contents are inside of the wand. Buyer Beware!
Our ZPE Wands have a 96% to 98% customer satisfaction rate.
...Enough said.

Utilizing a specific combination of 35 different natural minerals as well as crystals, our ZPE Wand provides zero point and scalar energy, magnetic energy, as well as far infrared ray (FIR). This specific combination and fusion of mineral elements produces a catalytic conversion of energy, sourcing the Universal Life Force (Zero Point Energy/nano wand), and producing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to the body, liquids, food and the environment.
The Zero Point Energy Wand is a natural energy generating device—a transmitter of subtle energy or life force (chi or prana). Through resonance (entrainment) between the zero point energy field of the wand and anything it comes into contact with, harmony, balance and alignment may be restored. The wand itself does not do the healing. The wand is simply an entrainment device, or reminder, which awakens the body to its own innate self-healing capacity, balance and wholeness.
In this way, the Zero Point Energy Wand may enhance one's energy and vitality and may assist in alleviating pain, stress and other health challenges. The natural energy of the Zero Point Wand may help improve sleep patterns when placed under the pillow or on the nightstand. When worn on the body or carried in a bag, the wand can help improve the positive flow of “chi” or life force throughout the body. This helps strengthen the body and immune system against the detrimental effects of daily stress and exposure to electromagnetic pollution. In addition, the Zero Point Energy Wand will rejuvenate the molecular structure in liquids making them more vital, hydrating and better tasting.

Our customers and distributors have been experiencing excellent results using our ZPE Wands and everyone appreciates the low price! Please scroll to the bottom of this page for testimonials.
Because of the quality and results, our ZPE Wand sales are increasing rapidly. To effectively meet this demand, we need distributors interested in providing the ZPE wands to friends, customers, clients and patients.

The Zero Point Energy Wand May Assist You In the Following Ways:
> Enhances the flow of life force in the body and mind.
> Helps "unwind" and harmonize energetic distortions in the physical and subtle bodies.
> Like a tuning fork, helps the body attune to and activate its own natural self-healing capacity.
> Enhance liquids, foods, creams and oils.
> Your pets and plants will respond beneficially to this natural zero point energy as well.
> By supporting the self-healing process, aches, pains and other ailments may be alleviated.
> Wear the zpe wand on the body to help neutralize the detrimental effects of EMF pollution.

Zero Point Energy Wand

Ion Output of our ZPE Wand
Many customers inquire about the "ion count" or output of our ZPE Wands. We offer this information simply to satisfy customer requests. However, let it be known that ion output is certainly not the most important or sole factor in regards to the overall effectiveness of the ZPE Wand.
There are numerous synergistic and integral factors involved in the overall efficacy of our ZPE Wand. The ion count is only one way a portion of the beneficial effects are viewed on a very physical level. There are obviously additional and much more subtle energetic factors involved as well. However, to satisfy customer inquiries, our wands do have a very high ion count of over 1500 as shown in the photo provided.

How to Use the Zero Point Energy Wand

nano wand

The Zero Point Energy Wand may be used in any way you find beneficial. However, here are a few basic suggestions. Point the wand as closely as possible, or lightly touch it to the area of the body you are choosing to work on. Rotate the wand around the area in clockwise movement. Repeat as needed or desired. Use the wand on your hands, fingers and toes so as to open the meridians of the body using the acupressure or acupuncture points. In addition, you can use the wand on your face to help rejuvenate the skin.
You may also stir liquids with the wand to energize your drinks or rotate it above your food to energize it as well. Rotating the wand above a drink, the zero point energy spins into the liquid. Or liquid can be poured over the Zero Point Energy Wand where it picks up the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. As we know, our bodies are made up of 70% or more of water. Water becomes blood within minutes after drinking! Thus it is important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

ZPE Wand Testimonials