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Zero Point Energy Wand Testimonials
Time:2010-10-30 上午 10:33:35 Hit:
ut the pain relief has remained. I consider this quite remarkable and it has definitely peaked my interest."
> W.B., Physical Therapist - California, USA

"I received my ZPE Wand on Monday and placed it beside my bed on the night stand. As as I was sleeping, it was as if I was both asleep and awake and I was really doing heavy deep breathing. When I finally woke up my heart was racing, beating very hard and fast. I decided to use the wand on myself after calming down and it seems my heart beat regulated. I did not put it on the night stand the following night, however, I used the wand when I awoke the next morning. I have had more energy and I am very alert. I used the wand on my mother and it is working wonders on her. She says it has increased the amount of bathroom trips she makes and her knees aren't as sore and her shoulders don't hurt anymore. I have a friend which has gout and as her toe and foot begun to swell I used the wand on her for about a minute. The next day she said it was still sore and trying to hurt but was not any worse, she was still limping. The day after that, she came to work and was so happy and thanking me, saying when she got up that morning and put her foot on the floor the pain was gone and it usually takes a couple weeks of hard pain and some medication before it eases. She asked if I could get her the information so she could order her own wand and she can't wait until it arrives. It was the talk of the day. I know the wand is working for me as well, it is just going to take a little longer because I was a bit worse off and I have a couple of bad habits I need to shed or decrease. Thanks so much and I look forward to my relationship with this great discovery."
> D.B. - Illinois, USA

"While I was researching the benefits of the Zero Point Energy Wand for an article I was writing for a magazine, I found plenty of people with pain that wanted to volunteer to use the wand. The first one was a 60+ year old woman in a nursing home who was healing from broken bones. She had a lot of neck and right shoulder pain. I showed her how to use the wand. After about three minutes, I told her she was finished. I didn't expect her to tell me anything at that point and left to go home. Three hours later, she called, 'Dr. Donna, my pain is totally gone! When will you be back again? I have a list of other parts of the body I want to do.' The next one was a 60+ year old woman who didn't want to undergo the knife of a plastic surgeon. She wanded the left side of her face for about 10 minutes. I could see a very slight difference, only because I'm very sensitive to details after doing clinical research on anti-aging in the past. She sent an email a few days later saying she had to buy one and that she and her husband both could see a difference.A friend of mine, 60+ years old, can be very stubborn and won't admit that things will work on him unless I pry it out of him. He was having symptoms from a herniated disk in the neck; symptoms like vertigo, a lot of pain going to the fingertips and also weakness. The doctor told him that he had to have surgery and that no natural remedy would work. I called him and told him I was coming over to wand him. I took about 12 minutes and wanded his neck, back, and fingertips and then left. He laughed at me while I did it and expressed his stubborn skepticism as usual. A few days later he left a message at 2 a.m. (when he knew I wouldn't be answering the phone) and said it really did work and he felt a lot better. His pain and symptoms were a lot less.Another friend had sciatica. He was visiting with his wife and was fidgeting back and forth on his legs trying to get comfortable. He was very skeptical but we convinced him to do it anyways. The minute his wife started the process he said he felt a surge of electricity through his body. Then afterwards, he said the pain was very much reduced and he could stand without fidgeting."
> Dr. D.S., (ret. D.C.), Editor - California, USA

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