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Zero Point Energy Wand Testimonials
Time:2010-10-30 上午 10:33:35 Hit:
ne of three different people. Immediately! We did the test with a lemon and the taste of the wanded half of the lemon was better. Water and wine also tasted different."
>K.G. - Slovenia, Europe

"I received my wand,and thought I'd let you know what it has done for me. I am a retired nurse and know the effect of medication, so I refuse to take the medication for my bilateral shoulder pain (arthritis). I have had this for several years. I have used every cream, ointment and out of desperation I have taken Ibuprofen. However I did not get much relief. I heard about the ZPE Wand and purchased one. I am happy to report that since I've been using the wand, I can now sleep at night. At one time I had to sleep with a heating pad. Thank God I am pain free, you can use this to tell others. In addition, my great niece was born on Easter Sunday and came home, all was fine. Then she began spitting up most of her formula. My sister took the wand and did it around the baby's abdomen not touching it. Ever since this one time wanding session she has not spit up her formula. We are all believers."
> L.G. - Kansas, USA

"At first when I got the wand, I didn't feel any difference, but also realized that I didn't really have any ongoing pain. The other day, though, I had to mend some clothing. I used to sew all the time, but now that I am older my back just won't let me sit and sew for hours like I used to! I get this incredible burning pain right across the middle of my back within 10 minutes of starting to sew. It's something I just have to accept. After I got the mending done, I realized I could use the wand to see if it made any difference with that sort of pain. I hooked the ZPE Wand onto my collar and let it hang down inside the back of my shirt, as I can't do circles on my own back. I just got busy on other things and suddenly realized that it only took 10 minutes and that burning pain was gone! I'm very happy to know I will be able to sew again! Also, I used the wand on my daughter-in-law's knee. She was hurting so bad she was blinking back tears. She is the type of person who usually thinks things like this are hokey, but she could FEEL the current in her knee and hand. In the morning, her knee was better after I wanded it the night before. It's COOL!"
"My sister has got to be the most skeptical person in the world! I told her about the ZPE Wand and she was like "yeah...yeah." Awhile later, when I got the shipment from you, I asked her to just try it and said I wouldn't charge her. I have noticed that she has been weepy and particularly stressed out lately and crabby, almost mean. Well, she called me tonight and told me that she has been having really bad chest pains with numbness and tingling in her left arm, especially at night. She could tell her heart was not beating properly at night and would wake with blood pooling in areas of her body because her heart was not working right. Since she has no health care, she decided to just die. She hadn't told anyone about this because she didn't want to have them feel like they needed to pay her medical bills. However, she decided to keep her mind open and use the ZPE Wand, but was not hopeful and even figured it would do nothing. She wore it in her bra, close to the worrisome problem. She told me that she finally slept all night long and after 2 days and nights, her heart pain is gone! I asked her if she had used it on her hubby's shoulder, and she said "No, I'm not ready to give it up, even for a minute. Anyway, you can use this as a testimonial, as it is astounding! She says I probably saved her life."
> C.P. - Utah, USA

"I am a physical therapist (retired) with over 30 years of clinical practice. I like to try new things on myself, and often as not I don't seem to have much response. Currently I have been having shoulder pain that's persisted for 4-6 weeks slowly getting worse. I have self-diagnosed it as rotator cuff pain due to muscle weakness. The pain was persisting and becoming noticeable even at rest. After sitting quietly with the Zero Point Energy Wand for about 5 minutes I decided to focus it on a few different areas of my shoulder. I used it for about 15 minutes. I noticed a gradual relief of the pain, a softening and relaxation. At the end of this session it felt better than it had for several weeks. I was happy with that, then by the time I got home I felt the pain returning somewhat, and thought, 'well, that was nice while it lasted.' Later on I noticed that my shoulder was much more comfortable when I went to bed, and much easier to sleep on. I woke up with it much better, and 2 days later there was still no noticeable pain at rest, although I still notice the weakness. Of course I need to build the strength through exercise, b

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