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Ion detox footspa FAQ
Time:2010-11-02 上午 09:12:32 Hit:

1. Can you briefly introduce the Principle of detoxification?
The body is composed by individual cells , the cell composed by cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. the cell membrane is the important channel for substance inside and outside cell to exchange at liberty, it also guarantees the steady environment of cell, when cell membrane potential at -70 ~ - 90MV, the cells can be very good material exchange and cells from the toxic to complete. However, as the recession function of the human body, in the massive accumulation of toxins, cell damage, the membrane potential changes in the cell membrane, the membrane permeability decreased ability to reduce cell detoxification, toxins from the cells and not very good from within. the accumulation of Toxins in the cell will lead to increase of diseases ,body resistance drop and symptoms of subhealth.
detox footspa Water can make negative electric field through conductive of body, the feet and detoxification Instrument potential negative ion water contact, the human body has emerged with deionized water and the same electric field, effectively stimulate the cell membrane Na +-K + pump transit enhancements to maintain normal cell membrane potential , revitalize and enhance the detoxification function of the cell membrane, cell toxin in the field of potential negative effects, more than 20,000 pore through the soles of the feet into the water, and water discoloration of ion reaction - detoxification visible, its effect through detoxification before and after blood tests, urine tests and compared to other conventional detection methods judgment - effect be measured.

2. Why toxins in the array around but not in the soles of the feet around?
As to the action of array change electric field of water from positive to negative .formed the core of electric field .so detox of eduction are allured by electric field of array .so edtox was around array not feet
3. Why need detox?
In recent decades, as technology progresses, the sick and aging, there all kinds of doctrine, won the Nobel Prize biologist and the Russian physiologist Diploma in human chronic poisoning doctrine: human internal hysteresis plot of toxins, will cause human chronic poisoning this factor is the human suffering from various diseases and the primary factor in premature senility.
Some foreign health experts and scholars also assert that: any person, if he is unable to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle guidelines, and not regularly, and regularly clean up their own body, then in his large physical presence within a certain toxin to at least 5 kg ! Can say so in real life, all in all toxins, as different age and physical condition, there are three adults in kilograms to 25 kilograms of toxins found in all organs of the human body, including the blood, lymphatic, skin until each cell. Russia and Ukraine renowned expert in human detoxification Based on years of a large number of patients with diseases of the human body detoxification practice, come to the following conclusions: The population prevalence of a number of comprehensive detoxification, can reach the following data: the removal from the intestinal years old accumulated a stool kilograms (not including normal stool ); from the liver, gallbladder and bile duct to eliminate corruption in the bile, bilirubin stones and other stones, cholesterol and the formation of filamentous embolization, bar - 0.5 kg ; remove from the joints of various salts up to 0.3 kg ; the removal of a number of human other pollutants (through drinking water, food and inhaled chlorine, nitrate, etc.), 1.2 kg . In short, all these clear, in different people, we can remove three to five kilograms of toxic kilograms, while the corresponding weight will drop to 3 kg to 5 kg . So maintaining good health approach is to first conduct in detoxification, but all need detoxification.
4. which advantages After doing a exclude poison?
strengthen exclude poison function of cell, exaltate body nature exclude poison ability, alleviate the body organ of exclude poison burden, resist second health;
strengthen the energy of the cell, activate cell, promote metabolism and blood circulation, promote the immune ability, strengthen whole function of body;
the clearance toxin accumulated in the body ,maintain sour alkali balance body, decontaminate blood;
regulate endocrine, the balance blood sugar, adjust and control the blood fat, turn down cholesterol, maintain environment inside the body;
reduce weight, keeping face and beauty skin , defer decrepitude.
5. After using several times, toxic substances reduce ,it is till have to continue to use?
With the rapid socio-economic development, people's modern life has improved steadily worsening pollution of the Earth

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